Story history panel

Note - that this feature is only enabled if you choose to use Git for storage, see more on the Two-way Git synchronisation page.

Story History tab shows a list of changes in reverse chronological order that were made to the story file attached to the issue that you are viewing, see example screenshot below. It also provides the ability to view a previous version of the story file, replace current story with a past version, compare two different versions and to also view execution reports for past versions. See further information on this page on how to use all of these capabilities.

Additional information on column values

Version - shows the abbreviated git hash of the commit in which the story file was changed. Dragging the mouse cursor over the value shows a tooltip with the full hash value. For the first row which corresponds to the current story version the tooltip additionally shows the name of the branch that the commit can be found on. In the screenshot below the branch name is 'refs/heads/feature/DEMO-1' since the support for Git feature branch workflow is enabled and the changes are committed to the issue feature branch rather than the base branch. The commit hash of the first row is shown in bold font as it is the hash of the current version.

If Git feature branch workflow support is enabled and you have made at least one change to the story file then another commit in the rows below will be shown in bold font also. This commits corresponds to the latest commit on the base branch from which the issue branch was created. Hovering mouse pointer over this hash will bring up a tooltip message that contains the name of the base branch as well as the full commit hash. In the example shown below the base branch name is 'refs/heads/master'.

The abbreviated commit hash values are also hyperlinks, clicking on one will bring up a dialog window showing the story file as it was at that particular version. The highlighted file path in the bottom left of this window is the full file path under which the story file is stored in the git repository. You can restore the story file to the shown version by clicking the Restore button.

Date - the date of the git commit.

Changed by - the name of the user that made the change. It is read from the git commit’s author name attribute. If this user has a Jira account then hovering mouse pointer over this field will bring up a dialog window showing user email address along with other user profile fields. If this user doesn’t have an account in Jira then no dialog will be shown upon hovering.

Comment - comment entered by the author to provide description of the change. The value is read from the git comment field. Note that it’s not uncommon to prefix git comments with the key of the issue to which the change is related. If that is the case then the issue key portion is stripped from the comment before being presented in this column to aid readability as the user is already aware of what issue he/she is looking at.

Status - if the story has been executed at that particular version then the last reported execution result is shown in this column. To see the execution report click on the status value which will show a dialog window showing all reported execution report entries for that particular story version.

Further clicking on a particular execution entry will bring up a dialog window showing the full execution report, like in the example shown below.

Comparing two story versions

The 'Compare selected versions' button will bring up a compare dialog window showing the differences between the two selected versions.

Note that if one of the versions is the the current version (i.e. the first row is selected) then the right hand panel in the compare dialog becomes editable and you can apply the changes on top of the current story version directly from this dialog window. Hint - you can also use the quick copy buttons in the middle of the dialog to move changes from left to right easily.