
How it works:

1. Write JBehave Story On The View Issue Page In Jira

Once you have installed the plugin (see Installation for more information) you should see two new panels called "JBehave Story" and "JBehave Story Reports" on the view issue page in Jira.

"JBehave Story" panel is where you write new or edit an existing JBehave story. You can enter one JBehave story for one Jira issue.

2. Execute JBehave Tests As Part Of Your Project Build

Run your project build either locally or in your continuous integration application which will execute your JBehave tests. The JBehave runner will download the stories you have written in Jira, execute them and will then upload the generated story reports back to Jira.

Note that there are some prior configuration changes that need to be made in order for this to work (see installation page for more information).

3. Review Story Reports On The View Issue Page

Uploaded story reports will be available for viewing on the view issue page under a panel titled "JBehave Story Reports". If you are running your test suit against multiple environments then several story reports will be shown organized into tabs where each tab label corresponds to the name of the environment on which the story report was generated


Product Owners & Business Analysts

Forget about writing User Stories in Word or Excel and use this intuitive story writing tool instead to deliver requirements in the format that is easy to share and to collaborate on with the rest of your team!

Heard of executable specifications but always felt like it was far too big of an overhead to setup and maintain a suitable environment to deliver it , then try this tool! It will make your story writing a breeze!

Developers & QA Engineers

Stop developing features against loosely defined requirements and instead develop them against a clearly defined scope in the form of user stories that every one can understand and verify.

Gain better understanding of requirements by reading and collaborating on the user stories with the business before development starts.

Improve your test coverage and regression testing as each story becomes an automated test case that you can easily include in your continuous integration environment.

Report bugs and edge case scenarios that are easily reproducible by simply rerunning the specified story.

Managers & Scrum Masters

Gain better visibility and confidence into what is actually done as no user story can be considered complete while its automated story test is failing.

Improve efficiency and communication of your whole team by making Jira the one stop place to go for sharing, discussing and reviewing the stories being worked on.